Really quick blog post about the purchasing of spinach for my experiments. The key place to go is the market just down the road from Ruban's Lab, Whitechapel market. The reason why we prefer to purchase market spinach compared to supermarket is often the fact that spinach in the market appears more leafy and rich in a mossy green colour, rich mossy green = rich in chloroplast, exactly what we need for this experiment!
Whitechapel, for those who don't know it is a vibrant, very vivid, diverse part of London. It is the home to Queen Mary's, Bart's and the London Medical & Dental school, it's a place where I sometimes find myself due to lectures. Anyways, this area had a huge migration of Bangladeshi migrants back in the day, so this area has a huge influence with Bangladeshi culture and various of these market stalls are ran my people of Bangladeshi decent. Here are a few pictures, pardon me these pictures are quite terrible, as I tried to take photos without making it obvious that I was actually taking photos:
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Yeah an ordinary main road with market stalls running along the sides.
The only problem I have of this market is that most of the stalls don't stock spinach throughout the day and there are set times which spinach is actually available. When the actual availability time for spinach is, no one ever knows exactly, so sometimes you ask for spinach, the stall vendor says an hour, you come back in an hour and there is still no spinach....It's basically playing the waiting game for spinach.